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A few days ago Facebook published a blog about updates towards videos on Facebook. Facebook has come up with a new algorithm, which will give longer videos more credit. The new algorithm will take in account the percentage of completion of videos, since it’s harder for a longer video to get a complete viewing than shorter. This means that longer videos will be pushed a bit more and shorter videos might get sidelined for a while.

This does not mean however, that you can post a 10 minute video of you staring at the camera and it will be on everyone’s news feed. The videos still needs to be compelling to generate as much percentage completion as possible.

Social media videos have become highly popular, so much so that they generate 8 billion views a day on Facebook. Videos engage the audience because they provide information in an easily accessible and entertaining way. People are more likely to stop scrolling their news feed for a video than pretty much anything else, unless it’s a picture of someone they’re currently stalking.

There are various reasons why some videos are more popular than others. Cute animals doing funny things, prank videos by worst boyfriend ever, videos that tag on our heartstrings, what they all have in common is that they evoke some type of emotion from the viewer.
For an advert this can be more difficult since you need to promote your company and a video of a puppy falling asleep, although adorable, won’t really get the message across.

Case Study

V Squared tells… is-serkin

Taking one of our own projects as an example, our first instalment in our V Squared tells series, ‘is-serkin’, reached over 260K people and 110K views and it was all achieved organically. There are various reasons why this video was such a success but the two main factors were timing and the emotions it evoked.

The shop ‘is-Serkin’ has been around a long time and gained popularity for almost never closing during the weekend. People leaving parties at four or five in the morning, would find is-Serkin open and providing some much needed comfort food.

Having our video posted a few days after the Serkin’s owner announced his retirement meant that people were already in the process of reminiscing the good times they had. This made the video become a hot topic and reached 1.6K shares.

The importance of video as part of a marketing campaign seems to be only growing. According to a report by Cisco, this will only increase in the future, predicting that by 2019, video will be generating 80% of the global online traffic.

Are you interested in producing an online video? Send us a message or email us on [email protected] and we’ll have a chat over coffee.